Dropbox 申請、安裝、基本操作教學



Dropbox - Free download and install on Windows

評分 3.1 (52) · 免費 · Windows · Dropbox brings all your files together into one place so you can store, sync, and share across all your devices* and access them anytime.

Download Dropbox from the Microsoft app store

You must be on Windows 10 21H2 (10.0.19044.0) or higher to install the Dropbox app from the Microsoft app store. Note: At this time, we ...

Download and install the Dropbox desktop app

This article explains how to download and install the Dropbox desktop app on a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer.

Dropbox system requirements

5 天前 · If you're using a Windows computer (not in S mode), and you want to run the Dropbox app, you need to use: Windows 10 or 11 not in S mode.

The Dropbox app for Windows in S mode (Dropbox Lite)

This article discusses the Dropbox app for Windows in S mode (also called Dropbox Lite), which is only available for Windows 10 or later.

Download & Install the Dropbox Desktop App

Dropbox helps you create, share, and collaborate on your files, folders, and documents. Learn how to download and install Dropbox. Dropbox system requirements · Dropbox Early Access · Install · Linux

The Dropbox desktop application will no longer be supported for ...

Dropbox will be ending support for Windows versions 7, 8, and 8.1 on October 22, 2024. We regularly release new versions of the Dropbox application.

Dropbox app does not start on my windows 10 computer

Dropbox stop syncing my files and I downloaded the normaller installer but that did not start after I double clicked it.

What dropbox app should I be using for Windows 10 (Home ...

Any suggestions or others with experience using a dropbox app for Win10 that's NOT S mode? Appreciate any info!


評分3.1(52)·免費·Windows·Dropboxbringsallyourfilestogetherintooneplacesoyoucanstore,sync,andshareacrossallyourdevices*andaccessthemanytime.,YoumustbeonWindows1021H2(10.0.19044.0)orhighertoinstalltheDropboxappfromtheMicrosoftappstore.Note:Atthistime,we ...,ThisarticleexplainshowtodownloadandinstalltheDropboxdesktopapponaWindows,Mac,orLinuxcomputer.,5天前·Ifyou'reusingaWindowscomputer(notinSmode...